Web app Regensburg Model:
Calculation of Paris-compatible emission paths with converging per capita emissions

In the Regensburg Model, national emission paths are derived from a global emission path using the Regensburg Formula which leads to converging per capita emissions (see publications below).

In the results produced by the Regensburg Model, particular attention should be paid to the national CO2 budgets or the implicit weighting of the population (IWP) that results from converging per capita emissions.

In the Regensburg Model, six scenario types (RM 1 - 6) are offered to derive global emission paths that adhere to a predefined CO2 budget. Here is a brief description of the scenario types.

Important framework data in the following web app (these can be freely set in the detailed Excel tool; see below):

When you select a country, you can see the resulting emission paths, reference values and other key figures.

In the corresponding sheet you can see the underlayed global paths.


Detailed Excel tool

You can download the detailed Excel tool at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5846043.

Some publications on the Regensburg Model

► The Regensburg Model: reference values for the (I)NDCs based on converging per capita emissions, journal 'climate policy', Download; published 2016
► Calculation of Paris-compatible emission targets for the six largest emitters with the Regensburg Model, Download; published on Zenodo
► Distribution of a Global CO2 Budget - A Comparison of Resource Sharing Models, Download; published on Zenodo

Global remaing CO2 budgets

Here are key statements by the IPCC on remaining global CO2 budgets.

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